
Creating a script to silently uninstall Avira Antivirus on the K1000.

Trying to create a script using the Configuration Policies in the K1000 to silently uninstall Avira Antivirus.  The script will work and uninstall, but it is still requiring user input.  I tried using a /s or /qn and neither parameter worked.  Has anyone created a successful script to accomplish this, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Pressanykey 7 years ago
Red Belt
have you had a look on the vendors site?
They usually provide tools to "clean-up" there own (and sometimes even other) anti-virus solutions.
They can usually be executed silently. This coupled with your KACE script should get the job done...


  • Thank you. I was unsuccessful finding anything on the Avira site. Google didn't turn up anything either.
    Excellent suggestion, thanks again. - Rich_ 7 years ago

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