Agent Install
I am fairly new to the KACE world. I am trying to update agents that are on a lower version of the agent. I would like to move them to the latest agent which is 14.1.13. some how we have only one PC running this agent but the other 100 plus are running like 3 versions behind.
Answers (3)
Go to Settings | Provisioning |Agent update and check both check boxes.
This will update (over time, since it is done during the check in) the old agents and uninstall the old ones.
Please keep in mind, that since 14.0 the agents are 64 bit, so some scripts and CIR may need to be changed
when you say check in...are you saying inventory. So in essence if I say force inventory would it start the process of updating the agent?
yes and no:
if the agent is updated on the page above and checked in and synced to the repl shares (if are some)
it will start. BUT! not on all systems on the same time. Depending on the setting in your system and the network only some agents will install and some not that the update does not fill your network and overrun the appliance.
Best practice is: test it on one system and let the others check in automaticly to update then it usually need 2-3 check ins until huge amounts are updated.
If you need help you always can open a ticket with KACE support. - Nico_K 3 weeks ago