
Agent Communication certificate

Hi Everyone,

Can anyone assist me in below error?

Thanks in Advance.

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
The SMA has its own certificate for agent communication, so even the appliance is not using a certificate for the webUI the agent communication is always safe. This certificate is renewed regulary in an automated process. Outdated agents are not verified anymore if they can use the new certificate so they may be unable to communicate with the appliance. If you update the appliance you should also update the agents. Go to Settings| Provisioning| Agent Update to upload the latest Agent KBIN and enable the auto update for all devices. During the next check in cycles the agents are updated step by step to the latest agent. Outdated agents can be problematic (performance, avaiability, functionality, security), so they should be kept on the same version as the appliance.
Posted by: Hobbsy 5 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

My guess is that you have carried out an update on your SMA and the new version is now no longer compatible with some of your agents. For example you may have some 6.4.x agents that will no longer be able to communicate with a version 8.x SMA, so they will stop checking in. Once this has happened the only way to resolve the issue is to reinstall the agent on a newer version.

  • Oh, we have K1000 version 9.0 installed, where we have some 7.1 agents systems. So after the mentioned time 7.1 agents won't check-in? - vinoth 5 years ago
    • I think you need 7.2 agents to talk to a 9.x box, correct - Hobbsy 5 years ago
Posted by: Channeler 5 years ago
Red Belt

Your agents will go to a zombie mode if you do not push an agent update to them.

If that happens you will have to manually remove the old agent and install the new one for each machine, or use a GPO policy to achieve this.

Also please be aware of this, good read:


Making sure your agents are up to date will ensure that your KACE appliance runs smoothly and all your computers maintain their patches, updates, and managed tasks.

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