
RemoteExec 5.0 for Windows is available

IS Decisions just announced the release of RemoteExec 5.0.

RemoteExec for Windows is an agentless software solution that allows IT pros to:

- quickly and easily deploy MSI packages, Service Packs, patches, hotfixes, etc.

- remotely execute programs (.exe, .bat, .cmd) and scripts (.vbs, .js), as well as associated files (.txt, .doc, .wav, .reg, .inf, .msi, …)

- remotely manage Windows configurations (modify registry, change LocalAdmin passwords, disable local accounts, copy/update/delete files and folders)

- interact with remote Windows systems (power off, wake up, reboot, lock and close sessions, etc.)

RemoteExec 5.0 is a major update and comes with numerous enhancements and new features:

- fully compatible with Windows 7 (administration console and target computers)

- easier to use, thanks to a fully revamped and intuitive interface (tabs, dockable windows, …) and handy features, like the ability to save repetitive actions and lists of target computers in order to use them quickly again,

- more powerful, with full scheduling and automation features, comprehensive reporting about the success or failure of remote actions, as well as the ability to insert variable data for the execution on each remote computer,

- more secure, as all communications are now encrypted (except for file transfers and remote registry access)

Useful resources:

- Download a fully-functional trial

- What's new in RemoteExec 5.0?

- Detailed features

- Getting Started Guide

- Online Help


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