
Windows 10 1803 - black screen during OOBE

Windows 10 1803 goes through a good portion of the OOBE coming out of sysprep, gets to "Now we have some important setup to do", followed by another "please wait" spinning circle, then screen goes black.  HDD activity continues for a while but ultimately stops and screen stays blank.  I have duplicated everything used for the 1709 build including tasks.

Sysprep finished without errors
Collected in KACE without issue
Starts OOBE, get initial "please wait" spinning circle, followed by "Now we have some important setup to do", followed by another "please wait" spinning circle.
After about a minute the screen goes completely blank, no mouse cursor.  Display was fine before.
CTRL-ALT-DEL doesn't do anything
K2000 shows the process stuck at "Set Engine Run Key"

Interesting notes:
  Tried on 2 different model laptops and a desktop - same issue on all 3
  disconnecting/connecting network does trigger some HDD activity so it's not completely locked up
  tried connecting external monitor in case it was picking that display for some reason
  tried entering random text and enter in case it was prompting for something
  tried pressing esc a few times in case it was waiting for some other input
  let it sit overnight - screen will dim, then brighten as if power save settings are working
  unattend.xml file is the same one used for build 1709 that does not have this problem

If I force computer off and turn it back on, the OOBE process continues where it left off, continues with "Hi, we're getting everything ready for you", "This might take several minutes", "Don't turn off your PC", etc.  Continues processing KACE tasks and finishes as if nothing was wrong.

Initial thought is the OOBE process finishes but fails restart the computer.  However, the same process happens for 3 different models of hardware (albeit all Lenovo).

Anyone else run into this situation?

4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • 1- Are you using a KBE built with ADK 1803?

    2- I would say build a new Answer File just to test.

    3- Post the answer file you are using here. (remove any sensitive Data)

    4- Are you getting the same behavior if you try to deploy it to a Virtual Machine?

    5- Was that golden Image upgraded from 1709 or was that a clean 1803 install? - Channeler 6 years ago
  • KBE is from 1607, haven't had a problem with it. Issue is well passed KBE environment.

    Answer file identical to the one used to build 1703/1709. not posting it, sorry. Not using any of the deprecated lines according to Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/customize/desktop/unattend/changed-answer-file-settings-for-windows-10-build-1803

    image was not upgraded from 1709, clean image using 1803 ISO.

    I don't see any errors in c:\panther folder log files to indicate anything is wrong with unattend file or OOBE steps.

    Sysprepped and collected a 2nd time (gold image was VM so no drivers in the image itself). Still no errors, still get black screen. - swalker804 6 years ago
  • Hi,
    Did you find a solution for this problem? I did run into the exact same thing here. - mirewa 5 years ago
  • I have narrowed this down a little bit. I don't believe it to be a KACE issue. The issue did persist in the VM environment before it was collected. I have narrowed it down to one piece of software. For me, Websense is the culprit. I have tried 2 different versions and various tweaks to render it useless after dropping the image with no success. For now, I have to leave Websense (Websense, Triton, Forcepoint) off the image and install it as a post-process task. - swalker804 5 years ago
    • Is that a security-type software?

      AntiVIrus, Firewalls, Security Software, should not be part of the golden image. - Channeler 5 years ago
      • it IS and it hasn't been a problem before. Websense is content filtering. Symantec goes on as part of the image too but there is a prep-tool to run before sysprepping. There is no tool that I can find for Websense. There *should* be a way to include it in the image as I don't want to install a bunch of software post imaging. I'm not doing a scripted install and don't want to. - swalker804 5 years ago

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