
Is there a "definitive" guide to creating and deploying wim images in 3.5?

I have found bits and pieces of articles that apply, but no "one" resource that covers everything.  I am currently reviewing the "bits and pieces"  I have Coreys' demo for KNIT as well....very helpful.  I'd like to make it as hardware agnostic as possible.  Can post install tasks be called with wim as well?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt

So with 3.5, you would basically treat a 3.5 WIM the same as you would a K-Image.  Attach your Pre, Mid, and Post tasks as you would normally.  Also in 3.5 we now have a new Deploy option available on the System Image Detail page: Include Driver Feed.  So, as long as you have that option checked, and your system image was sysprep'd, then the Driver Feed will automatically download and install drivers from your drivers_postinstall directory (just like a Scripted Install would).  If you are a Dell customer, just download the relevant feeds from your Library -> Driver Feed tab and the K2 will take care of the rest!

  • I am a dell customer, which makes this a little simpler. Working on the reference image now. Getting ready to capture it momentarily. Which option would I want to use with sysprep? I do not want the oobe as we have post install tasks to rename, and add to domain..yada yada. - gargone 11 years ago
  • Well you do want /oobe since that will run Plug n Play which is required to finalize Driver Feed driver installation. Please check out these KKE recordings for more info on Sysprep and Driver Feed:

    Sysprep: https://kace.webex.com/kace/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=TC&rID=66125017&rKey=a08aa26ee7b47152&act=pb

    Driver Feed: https://kace.webex.com/kace/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=TC&rID=65935642&rKey=8dd0745b288c7bf8&act=pb

    Postinstalls to rename/join domain should still work fine with /oobe as well. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
    • All current recordings are accessible at www.kace.com/support/training/kke/archive
      The recording listed in this post is no longer available. A newer version of this may be available at the archive above. - cblake 10 years ago
  • Thanx Andrew. Christmas is coming... ;) - gargone 11 years ago
  • lol...Pam was my jumpstart trainer......still have 2 sessions left.....guess I know what they will be for.... - gargone 11 years ago
  • Tell her I said hello. ;) - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
  • Will do. - gargone 11 years ago
  • Another off the wall question.......to make it as available as possible to as many models as possible would using a vm be more appropriate? - gargone 11 years ago
  • Not really. Using the Driver Feed and Sysprep is really all you need to make it work. I try to stray away from VMs for anything other than testing purposes (unless of course you are building a VM to deploy as a VM). - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
  • I am creating a scripted install to put win7 and all updates on a PC. Should I include any of the wim midlevel tasks at this point? Normally I would use the preinstall tasks...Create single partition ..format...and add boot sector. Which is better? Feel free to e-mail if that is easier. - gargone 11 years ago
  • Well a Scripted Install is not a WIM, and those tasks are only used for the 3.4 KNIT which is not needed anymore with 3.5.

    For an SI, the basic create single, format, and MBR works great. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
  • So what your telling me is I can get rid of the ones with a wim in front of them? I am aware of the difference between the 2. I am just using the SI to get win7 on the reference box so I can then turn it into a wim. Good videos...first one helped a bunch. - gargone 11 years ago
  • No reason to ditch them altogether, but you do not need to use them when deploying an SI. Also, if on 3.5, you can capture a WIM natively which makes WIM deployment much easier. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
  • yes ..using 3.5. Yes it does. just trying to put a process together so that I can teach other tech's how to fish....sorry for so many q's. - gargone 11 years ago
Posted by: NetAdinVT 11 years ago
Senior White Belt

If you want to make it as hardware agnostic as possible then your best bet is a scripted deployment. It works very similiar to MDT in that i deploys the WIM image, then the drivers and then any other post install tasks you want it to do. If you also have a K1000 you can use that to install additional software as well. 

A good place to start is the admin guide


Also, if this is a newer appliance you may still be able to get Jump Start training. When I first got the K2000 the jump start training was great. They show you how to do scripted deployments and imaging. If its too late to do Jump Start you may just want to contact support and inquire about training. They are great over there!

  • Well, crud. I have that on my desktop and never thought to check it........manuals tend to be less than helpful most times. I currently use scripted installs, but for the amount of updates that MS has since SP1 (150+) its not practical fro me....tried slipstreaming with RT7lite but it was constantly failing on the install. Don't really have the time to test it right now, But I will revisit it once I get wim going. - gargone 11 years ago

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