
Adobe Creative Cloud 2014 silent uninstallation

Hi ,
I want to uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud 2014 silently. Application is installed through msi which is also installing an setup.exe. When I try to uninstall with msi, the exe part is not getting uninstalled. The exe has an uninstall.exe which I am unable to run silently. Suggestions please.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: indierox 8 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
This is related to Vigneshwaran4264's answer, but you have to generate the XML, FULL instructions included below.

After alot of BS from Adobe, I found a solution for the creative cloud desktop uninstall for my enterprise. 

I was absolutely refused by Adobe tech(and escalation) that there was a way to silently/unattended uninstall Creative cloud Desktop, which is utter crap, anyone that has to manage endpoints in a large enterprise knows why this is ridiculous

I tried various adminstudio repackage captures, regshoting, capturing the cloud uninstaller, wasnt having any luck!

I finally found this on one of adobe's back pages, I am going to paste is in here in case they remove it to try and keep creative cloud desktop installed on everyones machines because thats what they seem to want, as its probably a marketing directive rather than a real engineers development decision.

Remove selected products (Windows)

  1. Back up all files stored in Adobe product directories, including custom plug-ins or profiles you have installed.

  2. Uninstall Creative Cloud or Creative Suite applications. Follows steps 2 through 5 in the Run the CC Cleaner Tool for Windows section.

  3. Run the Adobe CC Cleaner Tool by following these steps in order:

    • Click the following link to download the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool for Windows: AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.exe.
    • Create a directory/folder named AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool_Win and then copy the downloaded file in it.
    • Choose Start Run and type cmd.
    • In the Command Prompt window, change directories to the AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool_Win directory that you created.
    • Type AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.exe --createCleanup=[absolute path to the folder in which you want to store the XML file].

    Make sure that there is one space after .exe. Do not enter any additional spaces in this command.

    • Choose your language: Press E for English or J for Japanese.
    • Review the Adobe End-User License Agreement: Press Y to accept or N to decline (if you decline, the script quits).

    The XML file that the tool creates contains a list of products installed on the computer. By default, all product entries are commented in the XML file. For example:

    Cleanup xml file

    The XML file lists all CS5 to CS5.5 products in a </CS5> tag.

  4. Uncomment entries for the apps on which you want to run the Adobe CC Cleaner Tool. For example, if you want to clean up Adobe SpeedGrade CC and Adobe Contribute CS5.5, edit the XML file as follows:

    Edited Cleanup xml file
  5. In elevated mode, run the Adobe CC Cleaner Tool with the following argument:AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.exe --cleanupXML=[Absolute path to cleanup xml].

  6. Verify that the Adobe CC Cleaner Tool completed successfully. Follow steps 11 and 12 in the Run the CC Cleaner Tool for Windows section.

Posted by: apptopack 8 years ago
Red Belt
How the package has been created first? If it has been packaged using Adobe Creative Cloud Packager to repackage then Check the below links. It will help you.

Uninstall Switch for package created using CCP:

msiexec /uninstall <pkg_name>.msi /quiet

Alternatively you can use the below method also for silent uninstall.

launch the uninstallation wizard and select the options and click uninstall. During this, check for an XML file generated in the temp folder which will have the content like below 

<Property name="removeUserPrefs">1</Property> 
<Property name="mediaSignature">{D7A4F8xx-xxxx-xxxx-862D-xxxxxxx}</Property> 
<!-- Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 --> 
<Payload adobeCode="{D7A4F8xx-xxxx-xxxx-862D-xxxxxxx}"> 

Now rename this xml to uninstall.xml and run tthe below command. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AdobeOOBEPDAppDECoreSetup.exe" --deploymentFile="Uninstall.xml". This will uninstall the Adobe Creative cloud product silently.
Hope it helps.

  • Thank you for your tips Vigneshwaran, but no xml file is getting generated when i tried the above steps. - ramyaj 8 years ago
    • Have you analyzed the Package? was it done using CCP tool or silent install? If silent Install then you can use the xml file, if not you have to go with the msiexec /uninstall switch. Check the above links if the package was done using CCP tool. - apptopack 8 years ago
  • I used the idea from your post to uninstall Flash Builder in Creative Cloud on my posted blog - thanks - Tempril 7 years ago
Posted by: designworks 7 years ago
Orange Belt
Thanks for this. This has been a big help. 

Its also worth nothing that the commandline switches appear to be case sensitive too. 

"--cleanupXML=" wouldn't work for me until I had the exact same case as in your example.
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