
Sysprep - Using the sysprep creator tool

I wanted to post a quick tutorial for how we use the Sysprep Creator tool.
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Launch Sysprep_Creator_x64.exe

  • Choose your version of Windows (We are not running the newest version)

  • Under Completion Action - choose your option.
    The executor is what launches the sysprep process and points to the unattend.xml

  • If you are running sysprep_Creator on the machine you are sysprepping, choose the "Delete Sysprep Creator at completion"

  • Click "Next"

Step 1

  • Type in a name (we use a . In this field

  • Type in your organization name

  • Choose your time Zone

  • Click on the Step 2

Step 2

  • Type in the username and password of a local administrator or one that you would like to have created

  • Choose how many times the computer can/will autologin after necessary reboots

  • If you are using the current profile on the system you are sysprepping as a template for all future users who login, you will want to be logged in as that account prior to sysprep and choose the "Copy profile of the user running sysprep"

  • Click Step 3 Tab

Step 3

  • We do not make any changes on this screen since we join the domain as a post install task
  • Click Step 4 Tab

Step 4

  • We use a KMS server so we want to check off that option and type in the KMS server FQDN

  • "Reset activation grace-period time" If your image is older and the timer only has a few days left, it can't hurt to check off this box

  • Click Create and choose the location you want to save the file(s)
    We save theses in two places.  A local network share and also place them inside the Samba Share of the K2000 under Drivers_postinstall\sysprep files so we can easily get to it from any machine.

Sysprep execution

  • Login to the account you configured the default profile you want all users to use.

  • Copy the Unattend.xml to c:\Windows\System32\sysprep

  • Copy the sysprep_executor_x64.exe to the desktop

  • Double click on the executor file on your desktop.

    • Accept the UAC prompt

    • Choose Shutdown - You don't want it to reboot before you capture the image

    • Click browse and navigate to c:\windows\system32\sysprep\unattend.xml

    • Choose Open

    • When you are ready, click "Start Sysprep" and let it finish.  The system will Shutdown once complete 


      NOTE: I've noticed that I need to copy both files above to the desktop before trying to copy the unattend.sml to the sysprep directory.

      If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. If you have any additional input for me to add (or if I am completely wrong) I'd be happy to edit this post


  • Nice article. you can download version here
    http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/sysprep-creator-wizard - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
    • I did that yesterday as I was having issues with one of my deployments. I will most likely post another how to with the new version. - joseph.belanger@nichols.edu 8 years ago
      • I helped test a version they are working on that is much more robust. Many new options are available to add to the generated answer file. Not sure when it will be released yet. - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
  • Is there an updated version of this direction for the newest Sysprep creator? - pharback 6 years ago
    • Not that I'm aware, but it would be nice to see an example of the new "Taskbar Links" function, as it doesn't seem to work on LTSB/17xx. - RD94 6 years ago
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