
waiting for setup to finish


I am running a CA to install an app using the standard setup.exe -s /f1< etc etc and all is working fine and dandy - the issue I have is that once the app is installed i want to change some of the registry settings that are being set in the ISS file depending on location. I have created the Appsearch & RegLocator ( As the entries i need are written to my registy ) and in my verbose log file i can see the appropriate registry enteries being written.

What I believe is happening is that the setup is still continuing in the background whilst the rest of the msi install takes place and the registry entries are being replaced by the actual setup.exe when ti finishes. I have tried editing the .ISS file and leaving them out but that generates a Resultcode 3 (bad iss file)

I have moved the writeregistryvalues action to the end of the sequence and I have tried all the various synchronous asynchrounous options for the slient install custom action

Can anyone give me a hint as to how I can make the MSI sequences wait until my setup has completed


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Answers (2)

Posted by: mangers 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hello -- did you find a solution to this issue? I am having a similiar problem. thanks-
Posted by: grm69 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
setup.exe , -s /f1.... and ISS files : this is installshield.

but msi ...is msi.

if you are working with Installshield : Did you try the /sms switch ? take a look [url=http://unattended.sourceforge.net/installers.php]here[/url]
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