
VBScript to resolve ICE 33 & 57 error

Hi all,

Is anyone having the script to resolve ICE 33 & 57 errors in a package?
The script needs to be embedded in the package and it should automatically resolve the errors mentioned above.Please help us with your valuable insights as it is required quite urgently.

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Answers (15)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Do you understand what ICE errors are? I'm not sure you'd be asking the question if you did. A script isn't the way to resolve*any* ICE errors since they are connected with the MSI itself, not the target machine/user.

Typically, packagers ignore ICE33s because the perceived wisdom is that they're next to impossible to fix. However, IMV, the majority can be avoided by proper use of the COM tables.

ICE57s can be simply fixed by splitting the offending component into user and machine parts.
Posted by: sapto123 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Ok .
But is there any automated way of solving the stated ICE errors without going manually to check for each and every component?
Posted by: sapto123 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Actually we already have a VBScript to resolve ICE 30 errors.
After the .wsi is created ,you go into the command prompt and run the script,it will check for the database if errors are there,and it will correct them.
So like this,do you have any solution for the stated errors?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: sapto123
So like this,do you have any solution for the stated errors?
No, sorry, I don't. However, since your ICE30 script already queries components and adjusts tables, it should be a snap to alter it to cater for the others. For 33s, just find the DLL concerned, run a COM info-extraction tool (e.g. Wise's WiseComCapture) over it and import the .REG into your project. For 57s, create a new component using the filename or registry value name and move the entry to that. Easy.
Posted by: captain_planet 15 years ago
Black Belt
I generally find that Wise does a decent(ish) job of using the COM tables when a package is created or registry is imported via a .reg. I agree with VBScab that solving 57s should be easy via a script, but an ICE 33 script will take a lot, lot longer to write. There are multiple ICE33 errors (due to CLSIDs (inprocservers, localservers etc), TYPELIBs, PROGIDs, APPIDs, VERBs etc etc etc). Then you've got to fully test it (because you could seriously knacker the app)......lot's of regular expressions lie ahead...[;)]
Posted by: pgiesbergen 15 years ago
Orange Belt

you are right that an ICE33 script will take a lot of time to write. I know because I did that [:@] There are so many combinations of regkeys (and vendor screwups) to search for. However if you are using Wise, then there's good chance you can't fix the warnings as Wise does a good job, but some hkcr keys are still dumped in the wrong components.

The Ice57 script is a lot easier:

Option Explicit
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransAct = 1
Const ForAppending = 8
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim database
Dim databasepath
Dim objFS : Set ObjFS = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Dim logfile : logfile = "logfile.txt"

Dim argCount:argCount = Wscript.Arguments.Count
If argcount=0 Then
msgbox "no file to process!"
End If
databasePath = Wscript.Arguments(0)
If (Not objFS.FileExists(databasePath)) Then
msgbox "File " &databasepath &" does Not exist"
End If

Dim installer : Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set database = installer.OpenDatabase(databasepath, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransAct)
msgbox "Ready"

Sub Ice57()
On Error Resume Next
Dim i, Registry, component, prevcomponent, argument, waarde, directory, result, pos, controle, ice57_lijst
Dim Regkey, CU_Exists

'distinct removed from query
result = querydb("Select Registry.Registry, Registry.Value, Directory_, Component.Component FROM File, Component, Registry WHERE File.Component_=Component.Component And Registry.Component_=Component.Component And Registry.Root=1 And (Component.KeyPath=File.File Or Component.KeyPath =')Order by Component")
ice57_lijst = Split(result, vbCrLf)
CU_Exists = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(ice57_lijst)
' ice57line=split(ice57_lijst(i))
'no split to keep it readable ;)
parse_string ice57_lijst(i), Regkey, Registry, vbTab
parse_string Registry, Registry, directory, vbTab
parse_string directory, directory, component, vbTab
fprintf "Ice57: Component " & component & " contains both per-machine and per-user data", logfile
waarde = Registry
stripvalues Registry, component
If CU_Exists = 0 Then
result = querydb("select Component from Component where Component='CurrentUser'")
If result = Empty Then
new_component "CurrentUser", "", "", 4
fprintf " Created new component CurrentUser", logfile
CU_Exists = 2
CU_Exists = 1
End If
End If
update_database "Update Registry Set Value='" & Registry & "', Component_='CurrentUser' where Root=1 and Component_='" & component & "' and Value='" & waarde & "'"
If waarde <> Registry Then
fprintf " CurrentUser key with value " & waarde & " changed to " & Registry & ", moved to component CurrentUser", logfile
fprintf " CurrentUser key with value " & waarde & " moved to component CurrentUser", logfile
End If
If CU_Exists = 2 Then
update_database ("update Component set KeyPath='" & Regkey & "' where Component='CurrentUser'")
fprintf " Set keypath for component CurrentUser to " & Regkey, logfile
CU_Exists = 1
End If
End Sub
Sub parse_string(input,out1,out2,pattern)
Dim teller,inputlen, file1, file2, patlen
teller=instr(input, pattern)
If teller<>0 Then
End If
End Sub
Sub fprintf(regel, filenaam)
Dim tempfile
Set tempfile=objFS.OpenTextFile(filenaam, ForAppending, True)
End Sub
Function querydb(sql)
Dim record, view, columnCount, delim, column, rowdata
Set view = database.openview(sql)
querydb = Empty
Set record = view.fetch
If record Is Nothing Then Exit Do
delim = vbTab
columnCount = record.FieldCount
For column = 1 To columnCount
If column = columnCount Then delim = vbCrLf
rowdata = rowdata & record.stringdata(column) & delim
If rowdata <> Empty Then
querydb = Left(rowdata, Len(rowdata) - 2)
querydb = Empty
End If
End Function
Sub stripvalues(filepad, component)
Dim pre, after, after2, newfilepad, tempfilepad, result, kar, dir, file, pos, root
tempfilepad = filepad
parse_string tempfilepad, pre, after, "["
newfilepad = newfilepad & pre
If after <> Empty Then
parse_string after, tempfilepad, after2, "]"
If after <> tempfilepad Then
kar = Left(tempfilepad, 1)
If kar = "$" Then
'get the directory
result = querydb("select `Directory_` from `Component` where `Component`='" & Right(tempfilepad, Len(tempfilepad) - 1) & "'")
newfilepad = newfilepad & "[" & result & "]"
If kar = "!" Or kar = "#" Then
'directory erbij halen
result = querydb("select `Component`.`Directory_`, `File`.`FileName` from Component, File where `Component`.`Component`= `File`.`Component_` and `File`.`File`='" & Right(tempfilepad, Len(tempfilepad) - 1) & "'")
parse_string result, dir, file, vbTab
pos = InStr(file, "|")
If pos > 0 Then
file = Right(file, Len(file) - pos)
End If
newfilepad = newfilepad & "[" & dir & "]" & file
newfilepad = newfilepad & "[" & tempfilepad & "]"
End If
End If
tempfilepad = after2
newfilepad = newfilepad & "[" & tempfilepad
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
If newfilepad <> Empty Then
filepad = newfilepad
End If
End Sub
Sub new_component(Componentnaam, directory, Feature, Attrib)
Dim newGUID
createguid newGUID
If directory = Empty Then directory = "TARGETDIR"
If Feature = Empty Then Feature = "Complete"
update_database "Insert into Component (Component, ComponentId, Directory_, Attributes) Values ('" & Componentnaam & "', '" & newGUID & "', '" & directory & "', " & Attrib & ")"
update_database "Insert Into FeatureComponents (Feature_, Component_) Values ('" & Feature & "','" & Componentnaam & "')"
End Sub
Sub createguid(newGUID)
Dim typelib
Set typelib = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
newGUID = typelib.Guid
newGUID = Left(newGUID, Len(newGUID) - 2)
End Sub
Sub update_database(sql)
On Error Resume Next
Dim record, view
Set view = database.openview(sql)
If err.number<>0 Then
msgbox "Error updating database: " & vbCrlf & sql
fprintf "Error updating database: " & vbCrlf & sql, logfile
End If
End Sub

Posted by: sami.msi 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi Guys ,

Can i have your attention please As you were discussing about the ICE Errors i thought its an intersting topic to talk about as you told how to resolve ICE 33 & 57 error using VB Script. It true that you could do any to installer database or msi data base using Script as per as the ICE errors are concerned. I dont Think its better option to go far scripting rather you can resolve manually with no efforts. So why to make you applicaiton so comples for simpler thing isn't it first off all thing you must know what ICE stand for what. Here i am providing a list of all ICE go through it and you automatically understand what remediation should be taken to resolve the particular errors.Please find the below mentioned list for your better understanding on ICE and its Reference. I hope it would Help every Body

An ICE is used to validate installation packages.

Checks the registry table for entries that belong in other tables.

Validates that every group of radio buttons has a default.

Validates that any files from a cabinet file cannot be set to run from the source.

Validates that icons listed in the Icon table are used in the Class, ProgID, or Shortcut tables.

Validates that components installed under the user's profile use a registry key under HKCU as their key path.

Validates the Summary Information stream of the database.

Performs various miscellaneous checks.

Validates that entries in the Extension and Class tables refer to components belonging to the referenced feature.

Checks that Class table entries do not have .exe files set as InProc values, and that only LocalServer contexts have arguments and DefInProc values.

Checks that non-advertised shortcuts are in components with HKCU registry keys as the key paths.

Checks that dialog events in the ControlEvent table (NewDialog, SpawnDialog, SpawnWaitDialog) reference valid Dialogs in the Dialog table.

Checks for reserved bits that are set.

Checks for custom properties that only differ from defined properties by their case.

Checks for features with more than 1600 components per feature..

Checks for directories that are hard-coded to local paths.

Checks for non-REG_SZ default values in the registry table.

Checks that advertised shortcuts have correct icons and context menus.

Checks that TTC/TTF fonts do not have titles, but that all other fonts do.

Checks for non-public properties in the AppSearch table.

Checks for registry entries that write private installer information or policy values.

Checks for components using companion files as their key path file.

Checks that Lock Permission objects exist and have valid permissions.

Validates that the directory structure of the .msi file has a single valid root.

Validates that individual components do not mix per-machine and per-user data.

+91 9986014573
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Hmmm....I'm wondering exactly how useful it is to paste text taken more or less directly from an MSDN article as opposed to posting a link to the article itself...
Posted by: pgiesbergen 15 years ago
Orange Belt

you get me confused here. Are you telling us here that we should not use scripts to fix ICE errors because you have to understand why there is an ICE error? I dont think I need a better understanding of ICE errors. After fixing things hundreds of times one might consider using a script you know. On the other hand, if you disagree with the solution in the script we can discuss it here if you like.
Posted by: sami.msi 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi Pgiesbergen,

I am totally agree with you i am not denying that you cant fixed the errors by scripting , but there are some expectional cases where you need to go for scripting too. Some time it happen like when you try to resolve one ICE it will generates some other error relating to that in that cases. you can ignore the error. ICE is basically not an error which would harm your application funcationality i suppose. What i probably think or ( Packager point of view ) You got to make a package as simple as you can.

Posted by: ballu 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi ,[:D]

Can i have the VB script yo resolve ICE 30.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Try this one:Option Explicit

Public blnResult
Public blnAnyoneResponded
Public blnReadMSDN
Public blnFoundOutWhatICE30ActuallyMeans
Public blnThoughtProcessAbandoned

If Not blnAnyoneResponded Then
blnResult = ReadMSDNArticle("ICE30")
If blnResult Then
blnReadMSDN = True
If blnFoundOutWhatICE30ActuallyMeans Then
'// You may need a For...Next or Do...While loop here
blnResult = ReadMSDNArticle("ICE30")
If blnResult Then
blnThoughtProcessAbandoned = True
End If
End If
End If
End If

Function ReadMSDNArticle(ByVal strArticleKeyword)
'// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368954(VS.85).aspx
End Function
Posted by: pgiesbergen 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Great script Ian! I get the error message Invalid Exit Statement though [;)]
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Good spot! Duly fixed.
Posted by: dj_xest 14 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
[:)] Weee!!! Great stuff! Nice one! hahaha!
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