
Vbscript to read and delete a line from ini file


i need a Vbscript which will read a ini file with a keyword and when it finds out the keyword it will delete the line that contains the keyword say for example :



My keyword would be the IP and once the scipt finds this keyword it wil delete the whole line...

Can someone please help??

Thank you in advance.

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Answers (8)

Posted by: MSIPackager 14 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt
AFAIK you can't directly edit files with vbscript in that way..

You'd have to read in the contents of the file and write out to a temporary file - omitting the line when it's found.

Finally you would have the script delete the original file and move the temp file back to the oringinal location / file name.

Unless you are OK with VBScript, you may find this task easier with Wise Script - assuming you have it.

Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Looping through line-by-line is the beginner's way. :)

Have a search for the excellent INI class. IIRC, it's part of a class pack offered by JSWare http://www.jsware.net

Don't be put off by the word "class": using it in your script is child's play and there's a sample file showing you how to use it anyway.
Posted by: MSIPackager 14 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt
Cool will take a look at that, thanks Ian.
Posted by: captain_planet 14 years ago
Black Belt
Ian, I'm not sure if with that class pack you can only delete via searching for the key name (ACCEPT) and not the value name ( Admittedly, I've not used that class though so I may be wrong. Here's a VBScript which you can try, which uses regular expressions. I've made changes to some of my existing code, and not fully tested it so bare that in mind....

Const ForReading = 1 ' Open file read only
Const ForWriting = 2 ' Open file read write

Dim objFso, objFile, strFileName, strText, strNewText

' Specify ini file path
strFileName = "C:\test.ini"

Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If objFSO.FileExists(strFileName) Then

'Open the File and read into string
Set objFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading)
strText = objFile.ReadAll
objFile.Close ' close the file

' Create a regular expression
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = ".**\n"
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Global = True
strNewText = re.Replace(strText, "")

' Write out file
Set ObjFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForWriting)
objFile.WriteLine strNewText ' Write out the string contents

'catch exceptions how you please
MsgBox "The ini file: " & strFileName & " does not exist. No changes will be made."
End If
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
I'm not sure if with that class pack you can only delete via searching for the key name The DeleteINIValue method is the one to use.

Here is the original: '--ClsINI Class For INI file operations.
'-- Copy and paste Class to any VBS file For use.
'-- >>> NOTE: This script assumes C:\Windows\Desktop\sample.ini exists.
' Copy file and/or edit script as necessary.

'-- Running this script twice will demonstrate more about the error codes
'-- since it will try to delete values that no longer exist, etc.

Dim CI, s1, s2, sPath, A1, i, r, A2
Set CI = New ClsINI
sPath = "C:\Windows\Desktop\sample.ini"
If CI.OpenINIFile(sPath) = False Then
MsgBox "File not found."
Set CI = Nothing
End If

'-------Get list of sections:
A1 = CI.GetSectionNames()
If A1(0) <> "" Then
For i = 0 to UBound(A1)
s1 = s1 & A1(i) & vbcrlf
End If
MsgBox "Sections in file:" & vbcrlf & s1

'-- Get list of key=value pairs in second section:
s2 = A1(1) '--name of second section.
s1 = ""
r = CI.GetSectionValues(s2, A2)
If r = 0 Then
For i = 0 to UBound(A2)
s1 = s1 & A2(i) & vbcrlf
End If
MsgBox "Values in Section: " & s2 & vbcrlf & s1

'---Get a value:
s1 = ""
r = CI.GetINIValue("Sec2", "Value4", s1)
If r = 0 Then
MsgBox "Value of Value4 in Sec2 section: " & s1
MsgBox "GetINIValue to get Value4 in Section Sec2 returned error code: " & r
End If

'-- try to Get a value that doesn't exist:
s1 = ""
r = CI.GetINIValue("Sec2", "Value22", s1)
If r = 0 Then
MsgBox "Value of Value4 in Sec2 section: " & s1
MsgBox "GetINIValue tried to get a value that does not exist:" & vbcrlf & "Value22 in Section Sec2." & vbcrlf & "Returned error code: " & r
End If

'-----write a value:
r = CI.WriteINIValue("Sec2", "Value4", "Turquoise")
MsgBox "Result of overwriting value to Sec2:" & vbcrlf & "Value4=Turquoise" & vbcrlf & "Error code: " & r

'--write a new value:
r = CI.WriteINIValue("Sec2", "Value18", "Brown")
MsgBox "Result of writing new value to Sec2:" & vbcrlf & "Value18=Brown" & vbcrlf & "Error code: " & r

'--delete value:
r = CI.DeleteINIValue("Sec2", "Value5")
MsgBox "Result of deleting Sec2 Value5:" & vbcrlf & "Error code: " & r

'-- delete section:
r = CI.DeleteINISection("Number4")
MsgBox "Result of deleting section [Number4]:" & vbcrlf & "Error code: " & r

'--write new section:
r = CI.WriteINISection("CreatedSection")
MsgBox "Result of writing new section header [CreatedSection]:" & vbcrlf & "Error code: " & r

Set CI = Nothing

'--//////////////// Class ClsINIOps /////////////////////////////////////////////--
' To work with an INI file, first 'open' it. This Function reads the INI file into a dictionary
' object. The Class is Then ready For operations. The file itself is Not open but as long as
' OpenINIFile has been successfully called the Class will hold the file in memory as a
' dictionary object and any number of operations can be performed.

' Ret = OpenINIFile(FilePath) [ Boolean - returns True If file opened successfully. ]

' CloseINIFile() [ Sub to close INI file after use. This sets the dictionary to Nothing.
' The INI file itself is Not actually open so CloseINIFile is Not strictly
' required. If another file is opened the dictionary will be Set to Nothing
' before proceeding. If the Class is Set to Nothing the dictionary will also be cleared.

'---- Get Section Names: ------------------------------
' Ret = GetSectionNames()
' ex.: r = Cls.GetSectionNames()
' Return: If no file is open or file has no sections, an array is returned
' with ubound(0) and the value of array(0) is ""
' If there are sections in the file the names are returned in an array.

'------ Get INI value: -------------------------------
' Ret = GetINIValue(Section, Key, Value)
' ex.: r = Cls.GetINIValue("Section1", "val4", s)
' on success Ret returns 0 and s returns value of Key.
' Errors: 1 - no such key. 2 - no such section. 3 - no file open. 4 - unexpected error in text of file.

'------ Get Section values: ------------------------
' Ret = GetSectionValues(sSection, sArray)
' ex.: r = Cls.GetSectionValues("Section1", A1)
' If r = 0 Then ......(A1 holds array of key=value pairs. )
' Return: 0 - success. 2 - no such section. 3 - no file open.

'---- Write INI value: -----------------------------
' Ret = WriteINIValue(Section, Key, Value)
' ex.: r = Cls.WriteINIValue("Section1", "backcolor", "blue")
' Sets value: backcolor=blue Key and Section will be created If necessary.
' Return: 0 - success. 3 - no file open. 4 - unexpected error in text of file.

'------ Delete INI value: ------------------------
' Ret = DeleteINIValue(Section, Key)
' ex.: r = Cls.DeleteINIValue("Section1", "backcolor")
' Deletes 'backcolor' key.
' Return: 0 - success. 1 - no such key. 2 - no such section. 3 - no file open. 4 - unexpected error in text of file.
' For this Function success would be If Ret < 3.

'----- Write INI section: ------------------------
' Ret = WriteINISection(Section)
' ex.: r = Cls.WriteINISection("Section1")
' writes a new section to INI file.
' Return: 0 - success. 2 - section already exists. 3 - no file open.
' For this Function success would be If Ret < 3.

'---- Delete INI section: -------------------------
' Ret = DeleteINISection(Section)
' ex.: r = Cls.DeleteINISection("Section1")
' Return: 0 - success. 2 - no such section. 3 - no file open.
' For this Function success would be If Ret < 3.

'-- NOTE ABOUT ERROR CODES: The error codes are designed to relate
'--to the same thing regardless of the Function. 0 is always success.
'-- 1 always means the key does Not exist, regardless of whether you're
'--trying to read from or delete the key.
'-- 2 always relates to the section. For functions that require a section
'-- it means the section does Not exist. When trying to write a new section
'-- it means the section already exists.
'-- 3 always means that no file has been opened.
'-- 4 is an unknown error indicating that there was an unexpected problem.

' ____________________ START INI Class HERE ________________________________________

Class ClsINI
Private FSO, TS, Dic, sFil, sBullet

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sBullet = Chr(149)
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set FSO = Nothing
Set Dic = Nothing
End Sub

'--Function to Read INI file into Dic: -------------------------------------
Public Function OpenINIFile(sFilePath)
Dim s, sSec, sList
If FSO.FileExists(sFilePath) = False Then
OpenINIFile = False
Exit Function
End If
sFil = sFilePath
Set Dic = Nothing '-- reset Dic in Case an earlier file wasn't closed with CloseINIFile.

'--Read INI file into dictionary object. Each section will be a key.
'--section key=value pairs will be added as Dic.key item.
'-- After file is read there will be one Dic.Key For Each section header.
'-- Each Key Item will be a string of key=value pairs separated by bullet characters.

Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dic.Add "Glo_bal", sBullet
On Error Resume Next
Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(sFil, 1)
Do While TS.AtEndOfStream = False
s = TS.ReadLine
s = Trim(s)
If Len(s) > 0 Then
If Left(s, 1) = "[" Then
sSec = s
Dic.Add sSec, sBullet
ElseIf Dic.Exists(sSec) Then
sList = Dic.Item(sSec)
sList = sList & s & sBullet
Dic.Item(sSec) = sList
Else '--global comment at top. If no Dic.Key sSec exists Then no sections have been read yet.
sList = Dic.Item("Glo_bal")
sList = sList & s & sBullet
Dic.Item("Glo_bal") = sList
End If
End If
Set TS = Nothing
OpenINIFile = True
End Function

'--Close an open INI file. The file is Not actually open but it's closed
'--For the purposes of this Class by setting Dic = Nothing.

Public Sub CloseINIFile()
Set Dic = Nothing
End Sub

'-- Get list of INI section names. Returns an array of names. If no file open
'-- or no sections in file Then an array of ubound(0) is returned with an array(0)
'-- value of "".
Public Function GetSectionNames()
Dim ASec, iK, sTemp, sTemp1
If IsObject(Dic) = False Then
ASec = array("")
GetSectionNames = ASec '-- no file open.
Exit Function
End If

If Dic.Count = 0 Then
ASec = array("")
GetSectionNames = ASec '-- no keys.
Exit Function
End If

On Error Resume Next
ASec = Dic.Keys
For iK = 0 to UBound(ASec)
sTemp = ASec(iK)
If (sTemp <> "Glo_bal") Then
sTemp = Mid(sTemp, 2, (len(sTemp) - 2))
sTemp1 = sTemp1 & (sTemp & sBullet)
End If
GetSectionNames = Split(sTemp1, sBullet)
End Function
'read one value from INI. return 0 on success. 1 If no such value. 2 If no such section.
' 3 If no file open. 4 If unexpected error in text of file.
Public Function GetINIValue(sSection, sKey, sValue)
Dim sList, pt, pt2, s1, Lens1

Select Case CheckBasics(sSection)
Case 3
GetINIValue = 3 '-- return 3: no file open.
Exit Function
Case 2
GetINIValue = 2 '-- return 2: no such section.
Exit Function
End Select

sValue = ""
sList = Dic.Item(sSection)
s1 = sBullet & sKey & "="
Lens1 = Len(s1)

pt = InStr(1, sList, s1, 1)
If pt = 0 Then
sValue = ""
GetINIValue = 1 '-- return 1: no such key.
Exit Function
End If

pt2 = InStr((pt + Lens1), sList, sBullet, 1)
If pt2 = 0 Then
GetINIValue = 4 '--error
ElseIf pt2 = (pt + 1) Then '-- key exists, value is ""
GetINIValue = 0
sValue = Mid(sList, (pt + Lens1), (pt2 - (pt + Lens1)))
GetINIValue = 0
End If
End Function

'------Read a Section: ------------------------------------
Public Function GetSectionValues(byVal sSection, sArray)
Dim ATemp, ATemp2(), i, i2
Select Case CheckBasics(sSection)
Case 3
GetSectionValues = 3 '-- return 3: no file open.
Exit Function
Case 2
GetSectionValues = 2 '-- return 2: no such section.
Exit Function
End Select

ATemp = Split(Dic.Item(sSection), sBullet)

'-- go through ATemp, weeding out comments.
'-- any non-comment can be added to ATemp2:

i2 = 0
For i = 0 to UBound(ATemp)
If Left(ATemp(i), 1) <> ";" Then
ReDim preserve ATemp2(i2)
ATemp2(i2) = ATemp(i)
i2 = (i2 + 1)
End If

sArray = ATemp2
GetSectionValues = 0
End Function

'--------- Write INI value: ---------------------------------
' return 0 on success. 2 If no such section.
' 3 If no file open. 4 If unexpected error in text of file.

Public Function WriteINIValue(sSection, sKey, sValue)
Dim sList, pt, pt2, s1, Lens1, sSec
Select Case CheckBasics(sSection)
Case 3
WriteINIValue = 3 '-- return 3: no file open.
Exit Function
Case 2
'--If section does Not exist, write section and key=value, Then quit:
sList = sBullet & sKey & "=" & sValue & sBullet
Dic.Add sSection, sList
Call WriteNewINI
WriteINIValue = 0
Exit Function
End Select

'--section exists. Get section values:

sList = Dic.Item(sSection)
s1 = sBullet & sKey & "="
Lens1 = Len(s1)
pt = instr(1, sList, s1, 1)
'--If sKey does Not already exist, write it and quit:
If pt = 0 Then
sList = sList & sKey & "=" & sValue & sBullet
Dic.Item(sSection) = sList
Call WriteNewINI
WriteINIValue = 0
'--sKey does exist. Snip out existing value from sList and rebuild string, adding new value:

pt2 = instr((pt + Lens1), sList, sBullet)
If pt2 <> 0 Then
If (pt2 + 1) < Len(sList) Then '--If Not last value in section, Get left up to "=" & value & right from bullet:
sList = (Left(sList, ((pt + Lens1) - 1))) & sValue & (Right(sList, (Len(sList) - (pt2 - 1))))
Else '--last value in section:
sList = (Left(sList, ((pt + Lens1) - 1))) & sValue & sBullet
End If
Dic.Item(sSection) = sList
Call WriteNewINI
WriteINIValue = 0
WriteINIValue = 4 '--error
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function

'---Function to delete single key=value pair: ---------------------------------------

Public Function DeleteINIValue(sSection, sKey)
Dim sSec, sList, pt, pt2, s1
Select Case CheckBasics(sSection)
Case 3
DeleteINIValue = 3 '-- return 3: no file open.
Exit Function
Case 2
DeleteINIValue = 2 '-- return 2: no such section.
Exit Function
End Select

sList = Dic.Item(sSection)
s1 = sBullet & sKey & "="
pt = InStr(1, sList, s1, 1)
If pt = 0 Then
DeleteINIValue = 1 '--return 1: no such key.
Exit Function
End If

pt2 = InStr((pt + 1), sList, sBullet, 1)
If pt2 = 0 Then
DeleteINIValue = 4 '--error.
Exit Function
sList = (Left(sList, (pt))) & (Right(sList, (len(sList) - pt2)))
Dic.Item(sSection) = sList
Call WriteNewINI
DeleteINIValue = 0
End If
End Function

'------------- Function to Write new section -------------------------
Public Function WriteINISection(sSection)
Select Case CheckBasics(sSection)
Case 3
WriteINISection = 3 '-- return 3: no file open.
Case 2
Dic.Add sSection, sBullet
Call WriteNewINI
WriteINISection = 0
Case Else
WriteINISection = 2 '-- section already exists.
End Select
End Function

'---------- Function to delete section -------------------
'-- 0 - success. 2 - no such section exists. 3 - no file open.
Public Function DeleteINISection(sSection)

Select Case CheckBasics(sSection)
Case 3
DeleteINISection = 3 '-- return 3: no file open.
Case 2
DeleteINISection = 2 '-- return 2: no such section.
Case Else
Dic.Remove sSection
Call WriteNewINI
DeleteINISection = 0
End Select

End Function

'-------- Sub to update INI file after writing new value or adding section. --------
'----this Sub is called internally. It won't be called unless a file is "open".
'-- in that Case file path is valid and Dic is Not Nothing, so just Set attributes to 0
'-- and write new INI file.
'-- NOTE: This has Not been tested with system INIs under Windows versions with
'-- system file protection.

Private Sub WriteNewINI()
Dim Att, oFil, A1, i, s, s1, s2, sG
On Error Resume Next
'--remove attributes such as readonly and save current attributes:
Set oFil = FSO.GetFile(sFil)
Att = oFil.Attributes
oFil.Attributes = 0
Set oFil = Nothing

A1 = Dic.Keys
For i = 0 to UBound(A1)
s1 = A1(i)
If s1 = "Glo_bal" Then
sG = Dic.Item(s1)
sG = Replace(sG, sBullet, vbcrlf)
sG = sG & vbcrlf
s2 = Dic.Item(s1)
s2 = Replace(s2, sBullet, vbcrlf)
s = s & s1 & s2 & vbcrlf
End If

s = sG & s '--add in global comments section.

FSO.DeleteFile sFil, True

Set TS = FSO.CreateTextFile(sFil)
TS.Write s
Set TS = Nothing

Set oFil = FSO.GetFile(sFil)
oFil.Attributes = Att
Set oFil = Nothing

End Sub

'--this is just a minor Function to check For Dic instantiation and section existence.
'-- it also does the work of putting [ ] around the section name sent in.
'-- it's here to save a few lines; so these functions don't have to be re-written
'-- For Each method in the Class

Private Function CheckBasics(sSection)

If IsObject(Dic) = False Then
CheckBasics = 3 '-- return 3: no file open.
Exit Function
End If

If (Left(sSection, 1) <> "[") Then sSection = "[" & sSection
If (right(sSection, 1) <> "]") Then sSection = sSection & "]"

If Dic.Exists(sSection) = False Then
CheckBasics = 2
CheckBasics = 0
End If

End Function

End Class
' __________________ End INI Class HERE ______________________________
I use a 'VBSCabbed' version with proper variable names and so on but this does the job.
Posted by: captain_planet 14 years ago
Black Belt
Hey VBScab. Long time no speak. I saw that method, but, looking at the original post I got the impression Bubble Bobble (or whatever the person's called who posted this thread) wanted to search via (in the below example) the word 'blue' as opposed to the word 'backcolor', and hence I had my doubts about the class.....[;)]

'---- Write INI value: -----------------------------
' Ret = WriteINIValue(Section, Key, Value)
' ex.: R = Cls.WriteINIValue("Section1", "backcolor", "blue")
' Sets value: backcolor=blue Key and Section will be created If necessary.
' Return: 0 - success. 3 - no file open. 4 - unexpected error in text of file.

'------ Delete INI value: ------------------------
' Ret = DeleteINIValue(Section, Key)
' ex.: R = Cls.DeleteINIValue("Section1", "backcolor")
' Deletes 'backcolor' key.
' Return: 0 - success. 1 - no such key. 2 - no such section. 3 - no file open. 4 - unexpected error in text of file.
' For this Function success would be If Ret < 3.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
In that case, the OP would use the GetSectionValues method. It populates a Dictionary which, as you know, are nice and easy to 'search'.
Posted by: bubble_buzz21 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi All,

I have found a workable solution and have used the following script:

'Delete Lines of a Text File Beginning with a Specified String
'On Error Resume Next
set objWS = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Set fsob=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strSysRoot1 = objWS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%")
strFileName = strSysRoot1 &"\File Path\File name.ini"
strCheckForString = UCase("Key String Value with which it will read")
msgbox strCheckForString
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTS = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFileName, FOR_READING)
strContents = objTS.ReadAll
arrLines = Split(strContents, vbNewLine)
Set objTS = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFileName, FOR_WRITING)
For Each strLine In arrLines
If Not(Left(UCase(LTrim(strLine)),Len(strCheckForString)) = strCheckForString) Then
objTS.WriteLine strLine
End If
msgbox strLine

Thanks a lot to all of you for help.
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