
Strange error on Win7 desktops

As you can see in the attacted files we get a error on some Windows 7 (Ultimate) laptops saying that there is a problem with KUpdater.exe. Have anyone seen this error before? It shows a few times a day.

Best Regards
Anders Nielsen

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Answers (8)

Posted by: cmccracken 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
I've seen a similar error on one of our XP desktops and one XP netbook, but only once.

Posted by: GillySpy 13 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
Make certain you are on the latest version and build of the agent (http://www.kace.com/support/customer/downloads.php )

If you already are then please open a support ticket for errors of this nature.
Posted by: RichB 13 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
I've seen a similar error on a small percentage of agents that failed to upgrade from one version to another. Usually an un-install/re-install takes care of the issue. That can be done manually on the computer, with a remote control session or better yet use the Agent Provisioning feature to Uninstall and Re-install on computers with upgrade issues. Rarely other methods have to be used to completely remove the agent before a re-install. I believe we have also seen temporary kupdater.exe error messages that go away on next check in. Hope that helps.
Posted by: GillySpy 13 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
Kupdater is responsible for that so your scenario makes sense Rich. From a support perspective any unhandled exception is a problem we want to see. Although you may be able to work around the problem in a myriad of ways if you don't have support.

I think you got the JIT debugger error because you hit cancel on the first error. If so this would not be a kbox agent issue.
Posted by: KevinG 13 years ago
Red Belt
Hi Anders,

See if the following KACE knowledge base article resolves your issue.

Let me know the results.

Posted by: jmagnan 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
I ran into this issue accross many systems. According to that support article, it is an issue with the kupdater inventory having an issue interpreting IPv6 connections.

Win7 has IPv6 support enabled by default, and more systems are starting to use it, which seems to trigger this condition.

We are using Microsoft DirectAccess (which is IPv6 based) and started seeing this issue once we started turning it on.

Turning off IPv6 completely will correct it, but that is not really an option in most cases, and when across many systems it becomes difficult.

Supposedly the 5.2 client may resolve this error, which is what I am waiting on right now.
Posted by: vkham 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Try installing .net 1.1 SP1.
I ran into the same issue a while back. Disabling IPV6 and removing duplicate ISATAP adapters worked on some but not all. I installed service pack 1 for DotNet 1.1 and it seems to have resolved the issues on the rest of my Windows 7 clients.
Posted by: Anqders 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I just removed Kace on the computers with the problem, and re-installed it. Now it works fine.
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