
RSA K2000 install

Has anyone had any luck trying to either install or importing the K2000 Remote Site Console aka (RSA) via the XenCenter...? I've tried a few methods, 1. Import in after downloading the K2000_REMOTE_3.7.113042.zip file, and 2. by exporting/importing from a VMX to OVF file format  in VMware Workstation, which was a working version of which I pre-configured. I ran in to this problem every time I tried to install it, see below:

Not exactly sure how to resolve this since I cannot do any modification with in the console while this is running. Any suggestions, ideas would be greatly appreciated...

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • What happen if you list the valid boot devices? Do you see some valid devices?
    I may be possible that the device drivers included in the K2000 kernel are not able to recognize the virtual SCSI hard drive and so unable to mount the boot volume.
    Kind regards,
    Marco - StockTrader - StockTrader 8 years ago
    • My problem was loading a VM within a VM because I was trying to set up a virtual test environment. Not only was this a bad idea but it would take forever for a single deployment to process through, 4 hours to be exact. I have since set up the RSA as a dedicated system on it's own which works well now without any issues and much more reliable with speed. :-) - HokusPokus 8 years ago

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