
How can I assign an asset to a user in a KBOX?

Using a KBOX K1000 appliance and want to link a laptop asset to a specific user in AD

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: chucksteel 12 years ago
Red Belt

If your users are being pulled into the KBOX via LDAP then you can add the user with the User field on the computer asset. I can't remember if the User field is part of the Computer asset type in the stock configuration, but if it isn't then you just need to edit the Computer asset type and add a field and specify field type of User. This will reference the users on the KBOX.


  • I can't seem to figure out how to added that field in the device/asset. Basically, all of the devices that have been discovered through the AMP agent, I want to be able to assign it a location and user. - bnguyen1983 9 years ago
    • In the Admin UI, click Assets then Asset Types. You can then click on Computer to edit the Computer asset type. From there you can click the + button to add a field of user type. For the location you can add the Asset Location type. - chucksteel 9 years ago

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