
Report clients that did not reboot for some time

When setting up patch management for clients the question of reboot behaviour is important for finding a good balance between security ("reboot as soon as possible after patchting") and user impact/comfort ("patching reboots disturb while working").

While there are multiple options avaliable for reboot behaviour in the K1000 a common scenario is to suppress rebooting after patch installation since most people shutdown their computers after work in the evening.

But... some do not. For whatever reasons.

The K1000 has a field in the device inventory that is called "Uptime Since Last Reboot", which is also avaliable for filtering in Smart Labels and reports. However, if you try filtering that field you will probably get unexpected results.
This is caused by the fact that K1000 renders this field as a text field and not as a number of days or hours.
So the query results are looking like this when you are developing a Smart Label or a report for this field:

0 days, 3 hours, 9 minutes
2 days, 16 hours, 58 minutes
18 days, 6 hours, 31 minutes

That shows how you can use that field for filtering in Smart Labels or a report, exclude all the "x days" you do NOT want to see in your results by comparing them with the "Does not begin with" operator.
In the following example I want to see all client computers in a report that have not rebooted since 3 days or longer:


I configured my K1000 to send me this report scheduled every Monday morning to see who didn't reboot his machine properly last week.

In a Smart Label, the condition "Device Connected = True" is not necessary since only machines that deliver an inventory will be added to a label at all.
If you are planning to have your Label or report to show servers as well please remove the (Operating System)-"Name" field from the filtering conditions.

Hint: if you need more control over filtering the OS uptime consider editing your Smart Label or report by using native SQL. The fields value in the K1000 database is stored as a VARCHAR formatted as <days>,<hours>:<minutes>
If you need further information on how to take a look inside your K1000 database see this article:


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