
Custom Inventory Rule Smart Label on the Dell Kace K1000

How to make a label to see all of your Custom Inventory Rules (CIR)

When you start making more and more rules, it's hard to remember which ones you have. 
You can create a smart label that includes all of them. 

  1. From the Admin portal, click Inventory Software
  2. Click Smart Label
  3. Without entering any criteria for the search, give the smart label a name and click Save. 
    1. I named my "S - Custom Inventory Rules" but you can name it whatever you want. 
  4. Go to Home Label Management > Smart Labels > Click the Smart Label you created
  5. Click the Edit SQL button
  6. Replace the text for the SQL query with the below then click the Save button:


Now when you go to Software inventory and click View By > Label, and select the label you created, you will see all of you CIR's. 



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