
my last attempt to install adobe photoshop elements 9

Okay so i have done Extensive research on the topic of installing PS9 using our k1000 box. I have tried the MSI method both the one in the original software folder and also one created with Adobe Application Mgmt Ent. (Which i think produces a msi that is crippled). TRANSFORM file, extra command line switches and watch services/ standalone etc.. and Also tried using the setup.exe method outlines by Adobe themselves here:


I have uploaded the MSI to kace and tried to execute it from there and failed, i have put both the original ps9 software up on a server and used Kace cmd line to run it. Also used .bat files to map network drive and install the msi. and or the setup.exe file with the override.xml. I have tried so many things that i dont know how to tackle this now. All i know is if i cant do this i am just going to forget about it. i think ive wasted nearly 3 weeks on and off. Has anyone actually developed a tried and true method of accomplishing this. As of now i just want PS9 installed i dont care about the the adobe extender etc. 


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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: ms01ak 11 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus or someone who figured out Adobe Photoshop 9 here's how:

Zip the photoshop files making sure to strip out the unwanted parts (remember it has to be under 2gb for it to upload to the kace appliance via the web interface). I flattened my out so the msi and the setup.exe was all in the root of the zip file.

Step 1) Curse Adobe and sacrifice network card to the packaging gods

Step 2) In Kace Distribution-> set the following properties

installation: Configure manually

Installation Command: Setup.exe /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=product key

check off Don't Prepend msiexec.exe


That should do it, see the attached picture for more information. Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

  • this is good, i have it paired down and uploaded via kace. I am now getting the setup asking me to pick my language. i added /S /silent and /S /v/qn also. It still is asking to pick the language option. Any suggestions? - advkace 11 years ago
  • So i have it resolved. Looking back to some of the documentation from PS8 and what ms01ak said worked.
    1. pair down the install folder take out premier trial and other non essential files. I got mine to upload to kace @ just over 2 GB, edit the setup.ini with the following:
    CommandLine0=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.msi" TRANSFORMS=1033.mst ELEMENTS_EN_US=1 ORGANIZER_EN_US=1 SERIALNUMBER=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /qn


    - In the k1000 console associate that zip file with your distro of ps9
    - Config manually with "C:\ProgramData\Dell\Kace\downloads\1662\Adobe Photoshop Elements 9\Setup.exe" /silent
    - Select Don't Prepend msiexec.exe

    This has worked for me on 2 machines. Hope this helps someone else this has been a 2 week not fun adventure.

    Thanks! - advkace 11 years ago
  • hi

    where i can find the setup.ini ? i only found setup.xml and exe.

    Ivan - ivankuah 11 years ago
Posted by: ms01ak 11 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt

If I remember correctly that's the /UL1033 comes in. You must select the right transform file. The 1033.mst provides the settings for how the installer will behave. Check out this guys post it kind of gives you an idea http://forums.adobe.com/message/2872620




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