
[KACE] Stopping the SLA timer when ticket is in Waiting on Customer or On Hold

According to the SLA that our company set up, a ticket that is waiting for a customer to respond or a ticket that is waiting on a third party (licensing, certs, etc) is not part of the SLA due date. For instance, if a user were to request software but take a week to add approval for a manager, the ticket should have a work time of however long it took for the ticket to be assigned and the software to be installed once approval was given. Right now, there is no way for the timer to be paused through the status although it is set to "stalled". Is there a way to use the SQL custom rules to stop the timer on status entering "waiting on customer" or "on hold" and start the timer on status being put back to "in progress"?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 5 years ago
Red Belt
In short NO! (much to my own annoyance) A few versions back the dev team in Dell decided that it was not best practice to stop the clock on ticket SLAs and despite regular conversations with the PM team (KG are you reading this) I have seen no development to make this possible.

You can of course set the Due date for a future time which should work around the SLA clock, but there may be a way of doing this via ticket rules, that adds 24 hours to the due date if that status is on hold at the end of every day, but it will be a little tricky.

  • That is what I ended up doing via a SQL custom rule. It's unfortunate that they decide what the "best practice" is...

    If some future struggler is reading this comment, and wants to know how it's done:

    Custom ticket rule > use the "New (Wizard) to narrow it down to "On Hold" OR "Waiting on Customer" > Make it do anything but don't run it > Edit the rule > in the "Update SQL" box put
    update HD_TICKET as T
    (T.ID in (<TICKET_IDS>))
    > set the schedule to run daily.

    Every day that a ticket is in "On Hold" or "Waiting on Customer" the rule will add one day to it's due date. - Trevor1178 5 years ago
    • Thanks for posting this! Works great and it's a reasonable solution to the problem. One odd problem is it generated a syntax error when I cut and pasted to the code. Re-typing the last line manually solved the problem. - edwardk 5 years ago
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