
Installshield setup.exe /s /v/qn not working

Hi guys, I've been dealing with this problem for a few days now. I need to silently deploy a software via sccm. when I do the setup.exe /? it says the silent install is setup /S /v/qn but it is not working. I already got 2 software with this issue. Tried to check temp files to get the extracted msi but there is none. Tried to do a combination of /s /V/qn, /S /v"qn", /s /V"qn" but nothing works. This setup first check for its prerequisite and installs them if not found. Setup is working when manually runs. Tried to repackage it using Repackager but the output msi has some issue like when it installs and you open the shortcut, configuration wizards shows up for a few secodns, its like it is still installing then after a minute it will open.

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  • It might be worth mentioning which software it is. And the last behaviour you refer to is probably just self healing..... - captain_planet 6 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 6 years ago
Red Belt
 Tried to check temp files to get the extracted msi
Not all software is so obliging. Check in "%ProgramData%\Package Cache" and elsewhere (e.g. beneath %Appdata% and %LocalAppData%). One of the JRE releases uses a folder buried beneath %WinDir% and deletes it once it's installed so you have to box a bit clever.

Ignore the advice below about capturing to a new package. Repackaging an MSI is A Really Bad Idea unless you know Windows Installer (MSI) inside out.
Posted by: vjaneczko 6 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Ran into a similar issue a few years ago - I was able to make an IIS file but not able to actually apply during the install.  Had to go about doing an old school snapshot capture.  Try doing a capture on a clean, bare-bones machine, reboot after the install, start the app before finishing the capture, then scrub the crap out of the captured MSI.

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