
Kace 2000 Driver Issues T5500 | T3500 | 990

Found some solutions to help with driver issues that I experienced with video when imaging T5500, T3500, Optiplex 990.

If using Nvidia T5500 or T3500 please use the link http://www.nvidia.com/object/quadro-notebook-win7-winvista-64bit-296.35-whql-driver.html 

** T3500 No Video Card or Sound Detected
** T5500 No Video Card or Sound Detected

If using the ATI Card in the Optiplex 990


Inside Drivers_postinstall folder Windows_7_x64 990 video folder
amd <downloaded>
R289635 <downloaded>
r3079914 <driver feed>

** 990 Crashed IE with Stock Dell Driver Feed Drivers and to download each one above with <downloaded>

Unpackage and put in your drivers_postinstall video folder for each system.


  • We tracked the Optiplex 990 IE issue to pages that run flash on 64 bit Windows 7 systems. Firefox also would crash when attempting to load a page with flash. Dell had removed the driver from their download site and replaced it with a slightly older version, however the driver feed still contained the bad version of the driver. It had been discussed on here (when the site was still appdeploy) and we reported the issue to Kace support. I believe the issue is now fixed, but if you still have the bad driver on your k2000 you will have to uninstall the Optiplex 990 Windows 7 x64 feed, delete the 990 Windows 7 x64 files from your drivers_postinstall share on the K2000, and re-install the feed. - ncsutmf 12 years ago
  • I have tried this and still no go for the T5500 drivers I have to restart in Safe mode and they install just fine no matter if dell driver or the Nvidia driver. They wil still not load in the imaging process this is just for imaging the scripted works just fine. - brentballard 11 years ago
  • This a very old post may not work anymore please upgrade to newest K2200 3.4.63129 - mikesharp1 11 years ago
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