
Export Wi-Fi Profiles

Exporting Wi-Fi profiles from a device can be useful to use during the deployment of new notebooks or tablets.  This process is outlined in detail from Microsoft https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc755301%28v=ws.10%29.aspx


This K2000 Deployment Workbench tool, export_wifi_profiles,' will identify the networks connected on your device and display their names in a list to be selected for export.  Use the "Select/Deselect All" checkbox to tick or untick all the boxes.  Click the Export Profiles button to begin the process.  After a few seconds, a message box will appear with instructions on how to use the file that is produced.  The file, 'deploy_wifi_profiles.zip' will automatically be saved to the desktop, unless the file already exists in which case it will ask to browse to a new location.  If the same location is chosen, the original will be overwritten. This ZIP file will include all of your exported profiles and the executable needed to deploy the wireless profiles.


To deploy using the K2000:

1.     Login to the K2000

2.     Click Library | Post-Installation Tasks

3.     From the Choose Action… drop-down menu, choose Add Application….

4.     Give the task a name such as 'Deploy Wi-Fi Profiles'

5.     Select 'Windows' from the Runtime Environment

6.     Under upload file, click the Browse… button and select the ZIP file that was produced from the export

7.     Give your script a name

8.     Use the command line, 'deploy_wifi_profiles.exe' in the parameter field and save the task

9.     Add this task to an image or scripted install



To deploy using the K1000:

1.     Login to the admin portal of your K1000

2.     Click Scripts | Choose Action | New

3.     Give your script a name

4.     Click Type | Online KScript

5.     Uncheck the “Select Specific Operating Systems” checkbox under the Deploy section, then select Microsoft Windows

6.     Select either specific devices and/or a label of machines you wish to deploy to

7.     Under Windows Run As, choose Local System

8.     Under Dependencies, click New Dependency

a.              Attach the “deploy_wifi_profiles.zip” file

9.     Click New Task

10.  Under On Success, click Add

a.              Select the Launch a Program… step


c.              FILE: deploy_wifi_profiles.exe

d.              Click Save Changes

11.  Save and run your script


Download export_wifi_profiles

 Back to K2000 Deployment Workbench Tools page.

Version [05/31/2016]

-Initial Release

-Get names of networks and display them in a list

-User selects profiles to export

-profiles are exported, zipped with an .exe, deploy_wifi_profiles, which will import the profiles in the same directory


  • This works great. Created post task from last years windows 7x64 acad laptop. I am applying that to all win10 academic laptop images for this year. Saves a ton of time!!! - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
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