
Unable to uninstall windows update using wusa


Im looking at rolling back a windows update (KB3035583) on a domain joined machine running Windows 7 Professional x64 through GPO. If I run the batch file locally, I am getting the following error: 

Windows update could not be uninstalled because of error 214794287 "The parameter is incorrect." (Command line: "wusa /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet /norestart /log").

I have tested the same batch on Windows 7 Enterprise x64 and Windows 8.1 x64 and it works fine. Does anyone know why this wont work on professional or how I cant get around this?

Thanks in advance!


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Answers (3)

Posted by: sparky86 8 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
i have come across the same error before (with a different KB number) however that was due to the wrong WUSA being called as there are 2 WUSA.exe's (X86 and AMD) the update required the syswow64 version to install however when calling WUSA the system32 WUSA was being called and erroring
Posted by: irish 8 years ago
White Belt
Sorry, I thought I had responded to this before. I managed to get it working and you are right about the 2 versions, this was causing the issue. I was aware I needed to run the x64 version and I tried to run wusa from c:\windows\syswow64 but it continued to fail. In the end I used the following commands in a batch file:

cd c:\
wusa /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet /norestart /log
Posted by: dunnpy 8 years ago
Red Belt
Your error "214794287" is "80240017" is Hex, which according to the Windows Update Agent Result Code site means that - 'Operation was not performed because there are no applicable updates.'

Check that this particular KB is installed your test machine and confirm ARP uninstall works correctly.

You could also try specifying the installer .msu file on the command line to see if that helps:

wusa /uninstall KB3035583.MSU /quiet /norestart

What does the log you're creating tell you?

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