
KBE Manipulator: Error

While using the KBE manipulator to modify our KBE to point directly to our RSA (something I have done ~15x successfully over the past few years), suddenly I'm seeing this ominous error:

Any idea what could cause this? The manipulator runs, opens a command prompt, successfully maps the peinst directory (I see it in the file list and can browse it), but after a few minutes, I just get this nondescript error. I've checked "C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\KBE Manipulator" and the system error log, but there's no detailed errors anywhere. I also tried deleting and reinstalling Manipulator, as well as clearing all temp files.

Any ideas? Is Correy still around?

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Answers (5)

Answer Summary:
I had to manually uninstall the old MM version by ripping it out of the registry (search for k2000) and deleting the C:\Program Files\Dell\K2000 Media Manager structure. then download the MM from the kbox again and reinstall, the same version 9.9.9 shows in control panel, but it now uploads just fine.
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
figured it out.

When I installed the WADK the KBE Man told me I had a MM version that was incapatable with both the adk and aik installed I need to upgrade to 3.6.  I had to manually uninstall the old MM version by ripping it out of the registry (search for k2000) and deleting the C:\Program Files\Dell\K2000 Media Manager structure.  then download the MM from the kbox again and reinstall, the same version 9.9.9 shows in control panel, but it now uploads just fine.
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt

  • Just updated again and got version, same results - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt

I am getting the same problem, a command windows flashes by and then that happens.  Was Ok till I downloaded newest media manager from the kbox.  Yes Corey is still around I will contact him to see if he has an idea.

Posted by: cserrins 10 years ago
Red Belt

just to confirm, what version of KBEM is being used?


  • I downloaded the most-recent as of yesterday, and ran the KBEM updater as well, so I believe it is the latest. The release notes say the last change was 1/14 - tshupp 10 years ago
    • Installer IDs as 3.6.0 - tshupp 10 years ago
  • This is really strange. Created boot media a few days ago. Suddenly it stops working. I just installed KMM + KBEM on a Win7 VM and it's proceeding as expected. On the VM, DISM is now running and installing drivers. Is there temp storage somewhere where something might be corrupted that I can delete? - tshupp 10 years ago
    • That is interesting. Maybe after its complete, you can snapshot the vm, and then apply all Windows updates and see if that affects it? Maybe a reboot on the other system to "flush"
      Corey - cserrins 10 years ago
      • I've rebooted the faulty system after clearing out all temp files, but the problem persisted, but I'd be happy to apply all updates on the VM to see if I can recreate the issue - once I'm done creating some KBEs. I'll keep you posted. - tshupp 10 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt

It has something to do with the WAIK.  Uninstall and reinstall the WAIK

  • with the base 3.0 waik it works and as soon as I applied the supplement for win7sp1 it broke. - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago

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