
Does anyone have a rule that will email Queue owners only if there is no ticket owner assigned?

When my techs create their own tickets and assign them to themselves, I don't need an email going out to the Queue owners when the ticket gets created.

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  • Thanks, Nick. That worked. - WJW 2 years ago

Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Hobbsy 2 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer


So in the HD_TICKET table HD_TICKET.OWNER_ID is usually a value of 0 if no-one is assigned to the ticket. 

So decide who you want to be informed that there is an unassigned ticket, setup an email mailing list or alias, so a single email emails out to a group.

Set that default email address as a default value on a hidden ticket field, so you can select it as a value in your ticket rule.

I would suggest you may also want a lock field so that only a single email is sent, unless you want it firing every hour?

Then set your ticket rule to run every 15 mins

If the OWNER_ID = 0 and your lock field = 1 then email the value in the hidden custom field and set the lock field to 2


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