
Can't deploy Windows Images


  I am new to K2 Imaging. I'm having an issue deploying any windows images. I've tried K-Images and WIM images. I can pull just fine. Every time I boot to the KBE environment I go to Imaging and Deploy Image. It starts and within a few seconds it says deploy failed see log. Then it displays the deploy log. The log is blank. I checked the log outside the KBE environment and it is also blank.

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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: nheyne 11 years ago
Red Belt

What are your preinstall tasks?

Posted by: andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt

As stated, make sure after you have captured an image to go into the K2 UI Deployments Module-> System Images and make sure to setup any pre, mid, and post tasks you need to complete the deployment.  It is important to make sure that you are recreating the number of partitions and formatting how they appeared in your reference image. 

I used to forget that step quite a bit myself when I first started out.

Posted by: Chadg001 11 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt


Windows 7: Create 2 Partitions

Windows 7 Format Discs (3.1)

Install Vista/2008/7/8/2012 MBR



Mid Level Tasks:

Windows 7-Two Partition BCD Fix (3.1)


Post Installation Tasks:


Drivers-Install Feed to Workstation


Those are the only scripts so far.

  • Are your formatting and partition commands completing successfully? It looks like you have the proper preinstall tasks so if it can't apply the image maybe it's because it isn't seeing the partitions to apply it to. Are these preinstall tasks you built or are they the ones that come with the K2? I only ask because the way you list them isn't the same way they're named by default. - nheyne 11 years ago
  • What version of the server are you running? Sorry for the obvious question but are you capturing two partitions as well? - Timi 11 years ago
  • The MBR came with the K2. I built the others preinstall tasks from the following article:

    http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/deploy-a-windows-7-image-containing-the-100-mb-system-partition - Chadg001 11 years ago
    • In my experience trying to keep the 100MB partition in Windows 7 is an unnecessary nightmare, many people have trouble making it work. Is there a reason you need to keep it rather than just having a single partition? - nheyne 11 years ago
  • The formatting appears to work and then it fails - Chadg001 11 years ago
  • No. The computer I have the image on has a C and a D. I did try just pulling th C Drive and changing preinstall scripts to crate single partition and Format C: as NTFS. I had the same MBR preinstall task in that attempt as well but it failed at the same spot. - Chadg001 11 years ago
    • Are you capturing from the right partition? What is the size of your image after capture? Something just doesn't seem right, your tasks should work. - nheyne 11 years ago
  • My Image is 11.79GB. I noticed before i pulled the image that the D drive was the larger drive at 232gigs and the C Drive was the smaller 100mb drive so I ran the switch from the article above. My K2 is at Version 3.5 - Chadg001 11 years ago
  • Solved. It was trying to push to the wrong partition. - Chadg001 11 years ago

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