
Best way to install Adobe Reader 11.0.11 msp file.


I have been tasked with updating our Acrobat Reader 11.0.10 to 11.0.11, it's a msp file. I am new to scripting, GPO etc and would like to know the best way this can be done. I believe I may need to make a new package but am not sure how to do it, the more I read to more confusing it seems to get. I think I need to use a the Adobe Tuner as well. We would normally do it through GPO.

Thanks in advance for the help.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Use the KBOX patching engine to push it out. It is easier that want and you don't have to know command lines. Just assign the patch to a label and schedule it to go out. - nshah 9 years ago
    • Nope doesn't work - doesn't matter what you do this does not work. - anaccarato 8 years ago
  • Thank you for the reply I will have a look to familiarize myself but I have to use the script and GPO process that is approved for use on the network. - Newbie0000 9 years ago

Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: rockhead44 9 years ago
Red Belt
If you can't patch from the K1000, you'll need to create and configure your GPO (maybe to utilize a Startup script). Once you do, I would use a .bat file to deploy the patch with this command included:

msiexec.exe /p AdbeRdrUpd11011.msp /qn

Make sure you include the full path to your AdbeRdrUpd11011.msp file before the file name so your machines can run it from that location

  • Thank you, I will try that.

    I also found this thread as well and am finding it very helpful.

    http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/how-to-deploy-adobe-reader-xi-11-0-02-through-gpo - Newbie0000 9 years ago
  • This was the solution I used:

    http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/how-to-deploy-adobe-reader-xi-11-0-02-through-gpo - Newbie0000 8 years ago
Posted by: Newbie0000 8 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

Top Answer


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