
App-V 5 SP1 sequenced Visio and Project 2010 with local MS Office 2010

I've been following the Microsoft tech guide to sequencing office (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2830069). However, my customers want to keep their MS Office 2010 as a local install on their build image with KMS licensing, and have Visio Std 2010 & Project Std 2010 App-V 5 sequenced with a MAK license. If I try to do this the App-v won't launch due to licensing errors. Everything is 32 bit here.

I appreciate this guide is designed for a single office App-v release, so here's what I did on the sequencer, using Visio as example:

Installed Offvirt.msi with VISIOSTD=1 ADDLOCAL=OSpp,OSpp,Core PIDKEYS=*MAK key used for visio here* USEROPERATIONS=1

Added the 2 folder exclusions and started the search service

Start sequencing

executed setup /config specifying the full path to a config file with the PID key in as per guide

Installed the App-v kit msi with PACKAGEROOT=  pointing at my PVAD

Copied offvirt.msi into integration\x86

End capture

Added script entry to execute integrator.exe

When testing Visio or Project it comes up as unlicensed, kicks off the license config and says configuration did not complete successfully.

My customer wants to put the project/visio licenses into KMS instead, but I don't see that would make any difference. Is it actually valid to have local installed office and App-V project/visio in the first place?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • BTW...Office 2010 was installed on the sequencer prior to anything else - D3n50n 8 years ago
  • This still persists as a problem. I've recreated the 2 packages now using KMS instead of MAK, if anything it's worse. Both apps fail to launch first time and then state configuration did not complete successfully the second launch. I've seen some comments online that you can mix deployment strategies for Office, i.e have some locally installed and some packaged in App-V. Is this true to anyone's knowledge? - D3n50n 8 years ago

Answers (3)

Posted by: Pressanykey 8 years ago
Red Belt
I've had similar problems (although with ThinApp) in the past. Usually you have to set the virtual package as such (in your case) that the licensing (I believe it is a service) is visible from the physical installation, and the virtual package uses this.
This also requires configuring your virtual package in such a way that it does not contain the licensing specific resources (files, registry keys etc.)


  • App-V standard settings will allow the service to be visible from the package. Removing keys and files relating to licensing would undo the changes made by the App-v Office kit in this solution, so I don't think that's a good way forward. - D3n50n 8 years ago
    • Hi,
      like I said, this was the method I had to use for ThinApp. It was all down to the virtual package using the physical licensing mechanism... - Pressanykey 8 years ago
Posted by: Badger 8 years ago
Red Belt

Yes, the scenario you describe is valid, I have done in probably over a dozen sites. Although, most sites have used MSK all the way but a few have done MAK for Visio and Project.

You didn't sequence the offvirt.msi did you?? wait, it says you installed it, THEN started the sequencer. Why did you start the search service?? any whooo

Wait, then installed the app-v kit MSI??? confused

After you have installed Visio and got it sequenced you need the offivrt.msi to be installed on any machine that is running a virtualised app from the Office suite. Make sure when you install the Offvirt.msi (on the App-v client machine) that you add all the options for ALL of the products (not just Visio or Project).

  • The app-v kit is to allow offvirt to be executed automatically from the App-V using integrator.exe. The search service is required to solve some internal functionality issues, it's a known problem and fix from MS. - D3n50n 8 years ago
    • Wow. every day you learn something - Badger 8 years ago
Posted by: D3n50n 8 years ago
Senior White Belt
I've progressed a little. The trick is to package without office locally installed on the sequencer but do specify the property for the full office install to the ospp tool. i.e. "STANDARD=1 VISIO=1". However, when deployed onto our build with office on, First launch visio produces nothing, second it pops up a dialog stating it can't enter safe mode do you want to repair, third launch and beyond it works, launches and states activated. Very frustrating!

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