
Are you a physically fit ITNinja?

ITNinja's are you into cycling and or running for fitness or even find yourself competing on the weekends? If so, I have been giving the ok to make available for a limited time some ITNinja branded gear. I have already designed a cycling jersey and am working on a short sleeve running top. Cost will depend ultimately on how many people purchase. Below is roughly the cost per jersey at different quantities. 

3-5: $85.00

6-24: $79.00

25-49: $69.00

Cycling Jersey Design

Store Link: http://shop.jakroo.com/ITNINJA

Once again, at this time I only have the design finished for the cycling jersey but the running shirts should be available to order by 2/14/2014. So what are you waiting for, take advantage of the limited (ORDERING WILL CLOSE 2/28/2014) run of cycling jerseys and represent like the geeks we are!

Running shirt design!


  • If the running shirt is half as cool as this, count me in. If you don't do the running shirt, I'll go for this. Just too cool to pass up, well done! - bkelly 10 years ago
    • count me in for the running shirt as well ! If it similar to the cycling jersey, i`m sure i`ll be able to run faster ! :-) Totally rocks !! - KevinViolette 10 years ago
  • awesome ! - anonymous_89761 10 years ago
  • I'm in! I still refuse to exercise, but this is gear that can't be missed! - cblake 10 years ago
  • I'm up for a running shirt. That design is fantastic. - bobcrosley 10 years ago
  • I'm in for a running shirt and cycling jersey. - jparkins 10 years ago
  • The store link has been added to the post above. Note that ordering will close 2/28 so if you would like a jersey or running shirt once post, get your orders in. - scriptingninja 10 years ago
  • Ordered mine! Pricey, but had to go for it anyway (I'm sure it is very high quality to justify the cost). - bkelly 10 years ago
  • Running Jerseys are also available for purchase at this time! Don't miss out, only two week to get your orders in! - scriptingninja 10 years ago
  • Are you going to get some more of these? I am new to the site and I guess I missed the cutoff..let me know..thanks - FOOZIE000 10 years ago
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