
SMA - PowerShell Script to Create Local User Account

Hello.  I am needing assistance.  I have a PowerShell script that creates a local Windows user account.  It works great if run on the local Windows machine.  But I try to push it out through our SMA as a Online KScript, it says it ran but the receiving windows device does not create the account.  Event Viewer does not give a failure error that I can find and the SMA says everything ran successfully.

I have tried:

1) "Windows Run As" with both Local System and a Domain Admin credential.

2) Tried running the PowerShell script as an Online Shell Script, putting the script contents in and made sure to name it create.ps1

3) Tried running a batch file that runs the commandline to run the powershell script (Both are attached as dependancies). Batch file command line is: powershell -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -file create.ps1

The following is the credential gutted version of the PowerShell script.

$username = "username"

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force

New-LocalUser -Name "$username" -Password $password -FullName "$username" -Description ""

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated on being able to get this script to push to remote machines via the SMA.

Thank you.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • So here's something of interest. Finally found a log that shows the Online Shell Script gives the error below. It seems the KACE SMA does not understand what this PowerShell command is. But it still doesn't explain why I can't run the script via a dependancy and that it seems like it isn't getting the needed elevated permissions. I ran it locally on another Windows machine and it worked with seconds.

    CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (New-LocalUser:String) [], CommandNotFoundException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException - ryanreb 8 months ago
  • I found that trying to run the PowerShell command "New-LocalUser" does not work when running on a remote machine. Windows doesn't seem to recognize it. So I had to go old school Command Prompt commands to do what I needed. They still run in a PowerShell script but are the old commands:
    net user username password /add
    net localgroup administrators username
    NET USER username /COMMENT:"Comment Here" - ryanreb 8 months ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: josed558 8 months ago
Senior White Belt

Try running an online KScript using a .bat file with "net user username password /add"

I ran in to an issue trying to enable the local administrator account using a PowerShell script as well and i switched to .bat file that just run the following command and it worked right away "net user administrator /active:yes".  

Posted by: gwir 7 months ago
Second Degree Brown Belt

Add this at the bigining of your script to be sure it runs in 64bits :

if ($PSHOME -like "*syswow64*") {
    Write-Output 'Relaunching as x64'
    & (Join-Path ($PSHOME -replace 'syswow64', 'sysnative') powershell.exe) `
        -File $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path `

Thanks Nate Webb.

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