
Q)How handle URL in .msi (Application pakaging)

Ex: if i have some url   www.google.com how i include in .msi 

if i launch a shortcut it will directly open www.google.com

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Answers (2)

Posted by: chrpetri 4 years ago
Blue Belt

If you are using a raw MSI editor like Orca or InstEd you can do this with the IniFile-table.

Here is described how it works: https://www.flexerasoftware.com/blog/software-installation/2016/06/how-to-create-an-internet-shortcut-with-installshield/

I made an example and added a desktop shortcut to the MSI of CDBurnerXP. You can achieve this directly in the MSI or create/edit an MST.

If you prefer a more comfortable way you may want to take a look at Advanced Installer to create MSIs like that. It's free for basic features.

Here is my example Google-shortcut:


The values explained:

IniFileNeeds to be some unique value for each row. You can make one up.
FileNameThis is what your Link's name will be. So my shortcut here will be named "Google".
DirPropertyWhere you want to place the shortcut. Refer to the directory table of your MSI. "DesktopFolder" will be the All-Users-Desktop.
SectionThis needs to be "InternetShortcut" for our purposes.
KeyThis needs to be "URL" for our purposes. 
ValueEnter the desired target URL here.
ActionNo action needed, so set it to "0".
ComponentThis is important: you need to bind your shortcut to an existing component of your MSI setup (or create one, which is quite more difficult in a raw editor).
If you want to force your shortcut, bind it to a component that is forced to local install.
Posted by: isudothings 4 years ago
Senior Purple Belt

I would avoid tying a software installer to a shortcut if possible. You could simply use a Powershell script pushed from Kace to put a shortcut to your URL on all users' desktop.

This would do so:

If (-not (Test-Path $env:PUBLIC\Desktop\Google.lnk)) {
    $TargetFile = "https://www.google.com"
    $ShortcutFile = "$env:PUBLIC\Desktop\Google.lnk"
    $WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    $Shortcut = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut($ShortcutFile)
    $Shortcut.TargetPath = $TargetFile
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