
LDAP Labels for users not applying

I've already taken a look at one post that has been linked several times when it comes to creating labels:

That post was very helpful when I was trying to solve a problem with my LDAP labels applying to all users that was logging in on the network. I was wanting to do something similar with labeling people that were from different offices in the company, but my college and I do not use the department field like what Jverbosk used in his examples. Instead, I created a search that returned the users I wanted to label and added (samaccountname=KBOX_USER_NAME) into my search in hope that would fix the problem with the label applying to all users. 

My end result was a search that looked like this.
Base: OU=User OU,DC=Domain,DC=local
Filter: (&(&(samaccountname=KBOX_USER_NAME)(objectClass=user))(memberOf=CN=User Group,OU=User OU,DC=Domain,DC=local))

I would like if someone could point out if I am making any errors, or confirm that the LDAP user label bug is still present in version 6.4.120756 of the kbox. 

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Are your users logging into the KBox user portal? It is my understanding that smart labels for users only get applied after the login to the user portal. - chucksteel 8 years ago
    • At the moment, we have a GPO pushed out to log the users in when ever they use chrome or IE. We've imported credentials from AD to make it easier on the user along with single sign on. I know that it was working at least in some kind of fashion before I started using the kbox variables because everyone was being given the label when they were coming back from lunch. - Bcrunner 8 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Bcrunner 8 years ago
White Belt
I finally answered my own question after sometime of struggling. It just took me a little while to come back in case someone is having issues. 

The syntax I was using for the search was wrong: 
Base: OU=User OU,DC=Domain,DC=local
Filter: (&(samaccountname=KBOX_USER_NAME)(memberOf=CN=User Group,OU=User OU,DC=Domain,DC=local))

I had to drop the objectclass part of the filter along with taking off the extra & symbol in the front. The objectClass is only used to test if the body of the filter is correct when using the LDAP browser. 

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